August 26, 2012

  • ETERNITY. . . .

        In the early 1930's there began to appear in every doorway, on every street corner--at every major entrance to public areas a ‘one word sermon’ throughout the city of Sydney, Australia. It was the yellow chalked word "Eternity" written in a distinctive cursive style. For twenty some odd years, the citizens of the city wondered over this single word enigma materializing everywhere. One day, Lisle Thompson the pastor, discovered Arthur Stace, a lowly janitor and prayer leader of his church, scrawling that one word message on the sidewalk. The mystery had been solved.

        Stace explained that since his conversion to Christ, he had heard an evangelist in a sermon cry out; "Eternity! Eternity! O that it could be emblazoned across the streets of Sydney!" Thus, in his simple way, Stace decided that was what he would do! And so, til his dying day, Athur Stace did just that very thing. And for 40 years, the penetrating one worded message; ‘Eternity’ challenged every eye--and heart that encountered it.


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